Friday, March 14, 2008

In Your Easter Bonnet....

We have a couple of old trunks similar to the one above, but I was never lucky enough to find the perfect vintage Easter bonnet inside like this lucky little girl!
After my mother-in-law died, my father-in-law gave away almost all of her vintage hats! I didn't know anything about it until after the fact, and he had no idea that I would have been interested. (That was a bummer - I don't want to talk about it.) Only a few remained in the house, like this pink flowery number:

And this peachy (it's less orange in person than it appears here) floral explosion:

I, um, haven't worn either of those. These last two, below are more my style. They are two of my own vintage finds, and I have worn them to weddings. That fabulous fabric in the background with the turquoise straw boaters (!) trimmed with bright green ribbon is actually the back side of a small patchwork quilt I found on Ebay.

And I think little Heidi, below, by Madame Alexander, has the right idea with her pretty flower-trimmed hat, too!

In her Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it, she'll "be the grandest lady in the Easter parade!"


  1. i have to get out my easter bonnet for next week and my white patent leather purse with matching shoes and white gloves

  2. I just passed on a handful of vintage hats at a sale this weekend, they were kind of squished. I don't know much about old hats, I wouldn't even begin to know what keywords and such to use to describe them... Very cool though!

  3. Aw, come on Heidi, you'd look terrific in the pink one! Love T
