Friday, June 6, 2008

Lotus, California

Well, I have managed to get a couple of California hankies that I hope some day will be part of a lovely bag like the one I showed in my post about handkerchiefs last month. And the great little incense box was a yard sale find. I'm a sucker for great graphics on packaging, so I scooped it up. It has the original Sprouse Reitz price tag on the bottom - 10c. I felt like scanning them all together because there is a Lotus in California. It's right next to Coloma. I went to a hair salon in Lotus (about , oh, um - 33 years ago, maybe?), and got my hair permed for the first time. Now, I don't REMEMBER going in and saying - "Okay, Chris- give me curls like Shirley Temple had.":

But maybe I did.
(P.S.Do you see my Jeanette Jadite in the background there on top of the shelf? I started collecting that a LONG time ago!)


  1. Oh, my gosh! Was this a guy Chris? I went to college with him, umm, about 33 years ago! Love, Deb

  2. That is freakin adorable!

  3. Look at you!! What a cutie patootie!! I remember those days!Lorlore

  4. Isn't it funny the different hairstyles we went through? Chris was great with hair, he cut mine for several years, the "shag" years. His family still has property along the river in Lotus. Love T

  5. Oh, one more thing. You look like Britney Spears in that picture, if she had a perm. Love T
