Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Belated Thank You(s) And My 300th Post

I have some rather belated thanks to send out to a few of my favorite bloggers. First of all, to Twyla and Lindsey of Two Crazy Crafters who gave me my an "I Love Your Blog" award on August 22nd. I really appreciate the award, and especially the fact that you love my blog. That means a lot to me.
Next, a special thank you, too, goes out to Emily at Livin' Vintage, who also named me among her list of favorite bloggers, and presented me with another "I Love Your Blog" award on August 30th. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Emily. It makes me happier than you know to think that some of you out there are reading and enjoying my blog on a regular basis.
And third, I want to say thank you to Kim from Camp Whimsy, who tagged me on Sept. 2nd to write seven random things about myself. Those random thoughts on other blogs are so much fun to read! And it's always nice to learn a little more about a favorite blogger. (I'm not sure whether or not it would be right to list 7 of my own due to my reasons below.)
Now, for an explanation of sorts: While I truly do appreciate these honors, I simply can't participate, for a variety of reasons. I hope you all will understand. I'm not good with "Rules". I don't know how to do links. And I'm just not comfortable with tagging 7 of my own favorite bloggers, who then are supposed to follow the rules, as well. Please don't be offended, these are just my personal feelings about it all, and I felt like I should explain so that you three wouldn't feel that I was ignoring you. I tried to do what I was "supposed" to one time, and it's just too much for me. I just can't. I don't think my blog has many readers, and each of you is very important to me! I sincerely hope this doesn't upset anyone, and that you will continue to read my little blog. It's fun for me, and I enjoy every comment.
So, please let me say again, as written on my vintage greeting cards - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Oh - and yes, this is my 300th post. I can hardly believe it.


  1. Happy 300th Post! I am glad you acknowledged it, I was waiting for the day to see if you would! It has been a very enjoyable year reading it and I like being able to keep in touch with you this way. It is almost like living next door. Love T

  2. Heidi Ann, What a beautiful post. No apologies are necessary. Like I said, I love your blog for all the wonderful vintage collections and memories. Have a nice day! Twyla

  3. I love the vintage thank you cards!!! So elegant!

  4. No problem Heidi Ann! Thanks for the pretty thank you's and... 300 posts, Whoa! That's great! What a lot of time and effort you have put into your fun little blog! Congratulations!
