Friday, September 19, 2008

Then And Now # 12 - LifeSavers

In this ad from 1934,"Spear-O-Mint" Lifesavers are suggested for taking away "the burn" for smokers. What can I say? We all know how popular smoking was in decades past.

In this ad, (from 1940) the "Cryst-O-Mint" flavor is touted as being helpful for breath freshening - and the inference is that you could lose your beau if your breath is not fresh! You don't want that to happen! The only mint ones I used to like were the "Pep-O-Mint" flavor.

And this is the only kind I could find at my regular grocery stores. I had been looking for the rolls for a couple of months (mostly because I had a coupon), and finally gave up and got these, individually wrapped inside this package - sorry it's all wrinkled up.
But then we took a drive last Sunday, and I finally found some at the Twain Harte Market (an independently owned market). In fact, I found a number of things there that they don't have at our big-name supermarkets here in town. I was really impressed with this store! It's a 25 mile round trip, so simply not practical for our regular weekly shopping. But it was really nice.
Butter Rum , Wild Cherry, and the Tropical flavors have been favorites of mine for years- and I just decided to try the Sweet Mint flavor because they're new, and sounded interesting. I haven't opened them yet! It may seem silly, but I was so happy to find the rolls!


  1. The next time you will have to pick up some Wintergreen Lifesavers. When you get them, go into your bathroom at night when it's very dark and chew one. They spark.

    When I was in high school, we used to "go sparking."


  2. I remember how Daddy loved Butter Rum. I always liked it because of that, and it tastes good too of course. And I love the tropicals. I haven't had any Lifesavers in ages. I am going to look and see if they have them at the store in Georgetown. Love T

  3. Yum! Butter Rum was always my favorite!

  4. Heidi- This post brings back some great memories. I got a "Life Savers Book" (with 8 flavors or however many it was) once at Christmas when was I young, and still remember how excited I was. Here's a link to a huge collection of Life Savers stuff I found a while back.
