Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Then And Now #14 Pink Puddin'

When glancing through my magazines, this pudding ad I spied:
I thought perhaps a pudding post should next be what I tried!
Perusing pudding packages all lined up side by side,
I found my quest for one in pink had, sadly, been denied.
But, then I had a thought!
And so, here's what I bought:
And with help from those two,
Look! Pink Puddin' for YOU!!


  1. I didn't think I'd ever see
    A puddin pink as pink can be
    It looks so pretty in the little glass dish-
    Makes that puddin' look totally delish!

  2. I LOVE your comment, love your rhyme!
    It's so poetic, so sublime!

  3. Hi Heidi ann , I saw your comment on my friend lisa blog about Romantic Country magazine. Do you have Winco or Barnes and Noble bookstore? Those are the 2 places I have found it. Good lock! Sue

  4. I love the pink pudding! Thanks for the great idea. You know us ladies like pink and this is a great month to embrace pink! Twyla

  5. Sugar Puddin'
    Sweet Pea
    That's the silliest post
    I ever did see!

    It tickled me pink! :)

  6. Jello actually has a new Strawberry Creme pudding for sale RIGHT NOW in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is Pink Pudding!

  7. Wow - I had not seen nor heard about it - it may not be available in my area, but I'll look for it - thanks!
