Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another New Turkey Platter

Last year, before Thanksgiving, I found a platter at an antique shop, bought it , and wrote about it here on my blog. Well - perhaps I am destined to find one every year, because I found another one at a thrift shop a couple of weeks ago! Isn't it pretty?
This is the one I found last year:And this gorgeous, colorful one was made in Italy, and belonged to my in-laws:
I have one other that is plain white with the embossed turkey design. That's the one we actually use for our Thanksgiving bird. I bought it at Safeway years ago. I still like it, but these others I have acquired since are much more attractive!
And this picture below is a close-up of the tablecloth I'm using on my kitchen table for the holiday. It was a remnant from a thrift store in Folsom, and my sister very kindly hemmed around all of the edges for me - and it is the PERFECT size for my table.
The colors on the fabric are so rich and vibrant. It turned out to be a very inexpensive - yet beautiful - table covering!


  1. These platters are great ... I never see anything like this at our thrift stores!

  2. I am loving the planters !...and all your T-day goodies!
