Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Amsco Doll-E-Toys

These fabulous Amsco doll toys ( in this ad from 1952) were among the best playthings ever created, in my humble opinion. Well designed, well made, and a delight for children to play with. Yes, I do speak from personal experience! We had the crib with the "adjustable dropside" you see in the second picture - ours was green. I also have what I think must be half of this bunk bed set - I just thought it was a toddler bed (mine is blue), and I have the little mattress that goes with it:
There were so many great pieces in the play kits! I'm such a freak for vintage doll stuff - I wish I had them all!
Hey - good practice with the set you see below for doing the Big Girl dishes when you grow up, right? I remember a time when my oldest sister didn't feel it was fair for the younger two of us to do the dishes together - (one washes, the other dries), while she had to do them by herself! That's understandable - I wouldn't have liked it, either!
I have seen the "hichairs" in antique shops, but they were always too much. SO cute! And I've always wanted that little enamel pot that holds the baby bottles.

Absolutely adorable.


  1. Oh, I love those ads! Where do you find them? Or is that a trade secret? :>

  2. These are absolutely adorable. I am not familiar with them at all. I will have to start looking in flea markets. I am drawn to vintage doll collectibles too. Twyla

  3. These are all so cute. I always loved the doctor kits. They had fake pills that were sugar candy. I think maybe I had the baby washing station and a high chair when I was really little. Possibly we ditched them when we moved to the foothills. Yes, I remember the dish washing "discussion" with Mother. I don't think I won. Oh well... Love T

  4. Hi Holly! Those images are all from a one page magazine advertisement. I got it years ago at an antique show. I paid $3.50 for the single page. I had to have it!

  5. Heidi Ann,
    I feel your sister's pain. I was the only girl and my Mom used to make me dry the dishes every night. I don't think she trusted me to wash them. Mom used to make me wait to dry them until after she poured a kettle of boiling water over them. She was paranoid of germs! That made me have to wait longer to get my job done. Meanwhile, all darling older brother had to do was...take out the trash!

  6. I'm enjoying reading through your blog. The pictures bring back many memories from my childhood. I especially love your vintage postcards.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy New Year!


  7. Ah, okay.... I thought maybe you found it on the Internet or something! I've never been to an antique show. Oh whoa is me- I've been so secluded! ;>

  8. For those of you looking to add to your collection here's a bunk bed set like the one in your ad: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270635789731

    The auction ends in a few days so hurry and good luck!
