Sunday, January 18, 2009

The CASE of The Mysterious Briefcase

I read in the paper last week that my friend Jamie's house had sold, and I called her - SO hoping this might mean they would move into a house within walking distance of us! Well, no such luck - but they ARE in town, which is much closer than where they lived before. She picked me up and took me to see their new place (NEAT 50's house with a fabulous view!), and when were walking through , I noticed a little briefcase sitting under a table in the entryway. When she spotted it, she was like "What the heck is this?" She asked her son where it came from. He had no idea, either. Hmmmm. Weird. So, she brought it over to the sofa and opened it up. What was inside? A little calculator, the key in it's original little envelope - and - wait for it ... two $50 bills!
She called her husband, and, come to find out, her husband had come home BRIEFly (no pun intended), and had left it there. A client had given it to him when he had remarked that his son might like it to use for a laptop or something. Well- and this is the odd part to me - neither of them had opened it up to see what was inside! I know! Well, when her teenage son saw the interior he said - "I'm not using that". So then I said "Well, if you decide you don't want to keep it, I would use it!" (And you'll be happy to know that the nice man was thrilled to get that money back that he didn't even know existed!) And yes, Jamie gave it to me! Call me quirky, but I love it!:

I want to try to do something with it similar to this , sold by Pixiegenne on etsy, or this, sold by JanesApron. Check out their items for sale! They may even have one similar to these for sale right now. I love what those talented ladies have done! I'm liking the idea of perhaps a Peter Pan theme. I don't really even know how to do it! But we'll see.


  1. Oh yes, go for it Heidi! The interior is perfect! I posted about my vintage hard case today.

  2. I am a huge fan of Jane's apron and love her covered train cases. I love the inside of this briefcase. No wonder you wanted it. I am looking forward to what you do to it! Twyla

  3. Okay, Twyla - but I'm not making any promises! I am not too terribly crafty.

  4. I think if you go to Julie's blog (Jane's Apron), she has information about the kinds of glue she uses and such. Her stuff is great - got some notecards before Christmas and selfishly decided that they were NOT going to be a gift (except for me!)I wonder if there's a story behind the $50 bills - it would be fun to make one up, anyway!

  5. What a Fun story behind your "new" briefcase... I really liked the ideas you shared about what you'd like to do with it... have not seen anything like that before, and really loved the Christmas suitcase. It would be great for storing holiday decor in, or those gifts that are bought throughout the year. I have a complete set of hardcase olive green Samsonite in the attic. I got the set when I graduated from H.S. in 1976... now I know what they'd be "good" for! I look forward to seeing your altered briefcase...


  6. On the subject of money in things... In the 90s while I was working I was getting into photography. A friend at work had a camera and we worked out a deal and I bought it. It came in a great case with all kinds of extras. A few days later I was exploring in the case to see what I had. There were instruction books waded up and stuck in a little case. Also in there was a great big wad of money! It was (if I remember right) over $300. It was about what I had paid for the camera. I was flabergasted! (Love that word). I couldn't believe he would just leave money in there like that. So the next day at work I gave him the money. He was flabergasted too! The last thing he could remember about using the camera was a trip to Disneyland, probably over 5 years before. He must have stuck the cash in there to keep it safe and it sure was safe, he forgot all about it. So he really made money from selling that camera to me! After that I had a friend for life because he was so happy I was an honest person. Anyway, love the briefcase, the story, and I am sure I would love Jamie's new house too. Love T

  7. Wow I've never seen a briefcase like that, the interior is great! I like collecting those little '60s and '70s suitcases and will start looking for briefcases like this. :)

  8. That is so funny to me that it didn't cross the "boys" minds to look inside! See, this goes with my theory that women are like cats - we HAVE to know. Men are like dogs (in a good way, most of the time) they live moment to moment.

  9. Heh, I live by Julie (Janes Apron) and her house is full of the cutest stuff!
