Monday, April 6, 2009

Then And Now #36 - Jell-O

Jell-O was invented in 1897. We all grew up with it, didn't we? I mean "There's always room for Jell-O!", right? I don't really fix it or use it all that often, but I have to say - I do ALWAYS have some in my pantry! This cute little booklet is dated 1937:

And here is one of the recipes inside:
This magazine advertisement is from 1953:My Joys Of Jell-O book was printed in 1961:
This book, "Jell-O A Biography" by Carolyn Wyman was published in 2001:
And here is how the packages look now:
We enjoyed this Ribbon Salad from the Farm Journal Christmas Cookbook many times during the holidays when we were growing up. It's just one of many great Farm Journal recipes that were family favorites for us:
Jell-O or a Jell-O salad of some sort just seems like a nice addition to your Easter table, doesn't it? Think how pretty this salad would be for spring if you used blue and yellow or yellow and green instead of the red.
Oh, I know - wouldn't it look pretty to top each square with a pineapple ring? If you try it, let me know how you like it, all right? One tip - there have been times when I have found it necessary to use not quite all you have for each layer to get it to fit into the glass oblong dish!


  1. my husband loves jello - usually a 'red' flavor. makes it plain and then has a bowl with milk on it. for me thats an ugh! but he loves it.

  2. Who doesn't have fond memories of Jello as a child. I think your idea for an Easter dessert is great. Twyla

  3. So that Ribbon Salad recipe . . . Um. . . Jello and mayonnaise? Sounds kinda weird, but maybe it's good! It sure looks pretty.

  4. Sorry if it sounds weird to you- but it really is good. That middle layer is my favorite part! I could eat it all by itself. you can lighten it up, too, by using Neufchatel cheese, light mayo, and light Cool Whip. Sounds better to me than that weird Jell-o in the 1953 ad!

  5. Hi Kari. I wasn't the biggest fan of the holiday jello, although I always thought it was pretty. Heidi can have my middle part. I might make it for Easter. I am thinking about it. I definitely agree with Heidi Ann that the Tomato Jello recipe sounds very weird. Love T

  6. Hey, I have two of the same cookbooks (the Jack Benny one and the one with the red parfait. I know. You're shocked.) I adore Jell-O, which is considered one of the major food groups in my native western Pennsylvania.

  7. I didn't even see the tomato one! That's really not something I will ever eat, no thanks!

    So, ok, I'm going to try that one you mentioned, H. Except I'm going to use yellow and green for the colors, since that's a little more Easter-y. I'll let ya know how it goes!
