Monday, August 17, 2009

Grandma Mom And Her Magazine

This is our "Grandma Mom", Daddy's mother, reading a magazine in July of 1941. Our aunt said this is her favorite picture of her mom. Well, I guess we sisters come by our love of magazines honestly, huh?
I'm just crazy enough that I decided I was going to try to find a copy of the very same magazine she was reading in the photo - and , with the help of eBay - I did!



  1. Don't you just wish you could crawl up in her lap and have her read you a story? Or start a sing along in harmony with her and Mother and the rest of us? I love you Grandma Mom! Love T

  2. Too cool. How fun and interesting. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I think that is so neat that you found the same magazine! Isn't ebay wonderful! Twyla

  4. now you need someone in your family to sit in a chair like her and try to recreate that photo. one of my friends still has her dads car and it still runs. we were going thru her photos and there was a black and white of her and her sister by the car. anyway i gave her the idea to recreate that photo so she and her daughter dressed similarly and posed the same way by the same car! great picture! (by the way it is a 57 chevy)

  5. well how fun is THAT?!
    love the family photo.
