Friday, September 4, 2009

Art Exhibits At The Fair

I am always fascinated by the wonderful works of art on display at the California State Fair. This outfit was made with Diet Coke can tabs! How cool is that? (by Susie Kelly of San Rafael)
I'm sorry I didn't get the name of the creator of this fabulous Barbie "quilt". Each square had an entire 3-D scene complete with dolls!
I've never seen anything like it before:
Another favorite was this display - three full-sized robotic sculptures by Clayton Bailey:

Love them!
And the colors in this painting done in acrylics by Sherman Hay really caught my eye:

The title of the painting is "Obama's World" It was for sale at a price of $8000.00, if you happen to have that much handy.


  1. Good artistic eye, Hi. I especially love the little robot men. For some reason it made me think of Bob Newhart's "Sit down, Machine..." My granddaughters would love to sleep in the bed with the barbie quilt on it! They probably wouldn't get much shuteye in. The Hay painting is quite eye catching. Makes me want to dig out my acrylics, I need to figure out where DH "stored" them this time. LOL. Hope you have more fair photos, I am enjoying them. Love T

  2. that top made from tabs is pretty amazing. thanks for taking me to the fair from so very far away.

  3. Wow! That Barbie quilt is quite possibly the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life! I'm so glad you took pictures to show us! Twyla
