Tuesday, September 22, 2009

To Welcome Autumn...

Today, I welcome autumn with this lovely illustration by our beloved Tasha Tudor. This sweet page is from the book "A Child's Garden Of Verses", to illustrate Robert Louis Stevenson's poem "Autumn Fires":
The illustration below was from a series put out by the National Dairy Council in 1947. The accompanying text reads "Playing out-of-doors keeps children strong and healthy and makes them feel good all over."

Now, if Mother Nature will just bring us some cooler weather for fall, I will be happy, and I will feel good all over.


  1. Me too, happy, healthy, and good all over. Lovely illustrations. Love T

  2. you have had a hot summer - we have not so now i am hoping for a wonder indian summer-beautiful days and great sleeping weather - so far so good!

  3. It SURE WOULD be nice if it actually felt like Autumn, here in California! I want it to be chilly enough to wear Fall clothing, and to be able to walk outside smelling that cozy fire-burning scent in the air...

    Heck, who am I kidding?! I've lived in California most of my life. We might ever have 2 or 3 days, tops, of weather somewhat resembling seasons other than Summer! At this point, I'd just be happy for a rainy day.

    Great illustrations! There is such innocence and playfulness portrayed in them. And, of course, the colors capture the season perfectly.

  4. P.S. - I must clarify.

    Regarding the part of my previous comment where I said something about wanting to smell that "fire-burning scent in the air", I have since seen on the news that we have wildfires raging in the hills, again. By NO means, was I referring to THAT! I was talking about fires burning in their proper designated location: a fireplace.

    That is all. I just didn't want anyone thinking that I was a callous jerk. :)

  5. Oh, Anthony- I'm sure no one thought that! We probably have some cooler weather up here than you do, but
    I am totally with you about wanting to wear fall clothing and feel a nip in the air and all that! I want it NOW.
    Hurry Autumn, hurry fast.
