Saturday, October 24, 2009

Movies From Thrift Stores

I have had the best luck lately finding movies I wanted at thrift stores! I will think of a movie that I'd like to own, and then I'll look for it on eBay, Amazon (used or new), and maybe even put it on my Watch List, or in my Shopping Cart. But I'm always hoping for the best deal. So when I find one for $1.00 at a thrift shop, I'm thrilled. I was SO happy to find "The Goodbye Girl"! I love that film, and I hadn't seen it for years. And I've only watched "Return To Me" once when it was on TV. LOVED it, and wanted my own copy.
I've never seen "The Natural", and I searched for it for months. Finally found it last week! And I wanted a copy of "You've Got Mail", too - another favorite:
And no, I do not care that they are VHS. I still use my VCR's daily - no problem. We went to see "The Majestic" at the theater; I thought it was great. And some scenes were filmed in Ferndale and Fort Bragg, California - two of my favorite places! We were tickled to see the Skunk Train Depot - that area is one of our old stomping grounds! Believe it or not, I don't believe I have ever watched "Ghost" in it's entirety. Found myself a copy - so now I can!
I found both of these Pink Panther movies on the same day at different shops. I adored Peter Sellers. Now I need to look for "The Pink Panther Strikes Again", and "The Revenge of The Pink Panther"!

Unlike the way I usually feel about remakes, I actually look forward to some day seeing Steve Martin's version - because I love him, too! As a matter of fact, "The Jerk" is another movie I found at a thrift shop. And I'll buy more of his films, if I find them.
Don't you absolutely love it when you find something that you are specifically HOPING to find at a thrift store? I sure do.


  1. Nice finds. I adore The goodbye girl... and speaking of remakes, I recently saw a remake of Goodbye Girl with Patricia Heaton and it was pretty good. Not as good as the OG though. I have been searching for a copy of "My Demon Lover" for years. I may have to by an expensive copy off of Ebay. Let me know if you see one.

    OH and I also own Return to Me and You've Got Mail... Love them.

  2. I Loved "Return to Me"! What a sweet movie, and I loved that it was so clean--something you could feel comfortable watching alongside your grandma. :)

  3. You've Got Mail is my all time favorite movie. I love the old book store and the way she dances with her mom. I use my VCRs all the time too. The powers that be on TV want us to think they don't work anymore. Not true. I love it when movies are filmed in a place that is familiar, like Placerville or Coloma. I try to always buy them. Great post. Love T

  4. Can't wait till you watch Ghost! I love, love, love that movie and Patrick, of course.

    And in real life, what an amazing love story between him and his real wife, Lisa.

  5. Ofcourse ,"The Goodbye Girl" has the special-est of places in my heart,because my I was onstage with my baby in the musical version!

  6. happy day after heidi ho! hope dinner was great. i am always amazed at your ability to find great, well, er, um, finds!!

  7. This is something great to find at thrift stores and saves you lots of money! The Jerk is my favorite Steve Martin movie. He is so funny! Hope you're still enjoying your birthday! Twyla

  8. Wow! You hit paydirt! Great idea, one I may begin too as I have been dusting off my vcr lately wondering what I should do with it but I do not own a dvd player yet and I know if I bought one, something else new would come out. I love The Goodbye Girl too.
    The Polka Dot Rose

  9. I love, love, love The Goodbye Girl, it is my all time favorite. I just watched it recently with my daughter. Linda Jensen
