Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shout Out To Pop Circus

This post is a salute of sorts to Anthony over at Pop Circus, to thank him for awarding our blog one of his Honest Scrap Awards. I am truly flattered, Anthony, and I thank you sincerely. In honor of you, today's post contains clowns and such- which are the first thing I think of when I think "circus". This is the cover of a book, published by Ideals in 1961. I found it at a yard sale:
I'm afraid I just can't handle doing the "pass it along" to other bloggers part, but I told Anthony I would at least make the attempt to do the "10 Honest Things" part. This clown is from a fabulous vintage book Lori found at a thrift store:
Hmmm...this should be interesting. Yeah....or not. All right, here goes...
#1 I am not a very good housekeeper. Our home is presentable, and comfortable, and maybe even pretty - but not necessarily what you might call deep down clean.
#2 Cats are my favorite animal in the whole wide world.
#3 I decided a while back that the most fun thing I EVER do is riding Space Mountain at Disneyland.
#4 I put as many things that I use every day (prescriptions, cosmetics, coffee, etc, etc.) as I possibly can into vintage containers that I consider to be more attractive, so that I can deem them acceptable to be "left out" where they will be handy.
#5 I truly am addicted to television. I watch WAY too much. Even though I realize this is true, I have no intention of stopping.

#6 Once I got started on reading blogs (for this, you may blame or thank Alicia Paulson at Posie Gets Cozy, whichever you feel is appropriate), I became addicted to them, as well. Then later, I began my own, and well, you know the rest - there's no turning back for me now!
#7 I have always loved the idea of owning my own restaurant or shop, and since having the booth with my sisters may be the closest I ever get, I am really enjoying it. It's a lot better than the single shelf I had for years at a different location.
#8 I feel kind of sorry for myself and my sisters that both of our parents died at a much-too-early age. I thank God that at least I still have my sisters.
#9 Unlike Toby Tyler, below, I have never had the desire to run away and join a circus. I simply enjoy being at home too much.
#10 I am such a huge Walt Disney fan that I started crying uncontrollably the first time I saw the film about him at Disneyland, and I felt compelled to put my sunglasses on as I left the building. Really, you'd have thought he was my grandfather or something. But he sort of felt like he was, you know?? ( The Toby Tyler books are from my collection of vintage Disney books.)

Again, Anthony, I thank you. And kudos to you and all of the other fabulous bloggers who inspire, enlighten, inform and entertain me (and all of us) on a daily basis.
Oh - and while I'm at it, a huge thank you is also in order for Richard, whose great blog is Viewliner Ltd. Shucks fellas, you really know how to make a girl (and I do use that term loosely )blush!


  1. What a WONDERFUL post, Heidi!
    Thanks for the shout out! And the colorful circus pictures are especially pleasing. :)

    GREAT JOB on your 10 Honest Things, as well! I think it's fun getting that extra insight... You're certainly a good sport for playing along!

  2. I loved Toby Tyler. Thanks for bringing back some very fond memories.

  3. P.S. I loved your 10 honest things. They are so Heidi.

  4. i have been on pain meds since surgery and thought i had commented on this one - oh well....

  5. I loved the clown photos and loved Toby Tyler too.
    Great post.
