Monday, November 23, 2009

Almost Here..

It's almost Turkey time!!
I just love this image, below - everybody is helping out in the kitchen. And while I'm on the subject, what a nice kitchen! I have a yellow bowl like that one on the counter - and do you know who made that pretty blue cookie jar with the hollyhocks on it? Ransburg! I don't have as many pieces of their gorgeous painted crockery kitchen ware, but I have a few, and I love them just as much as the painted tinware canisters, and all of my other kitchen items.

A Thanksgiving Party for children is depicted in this sweet page from a 1935 Children's Party Book. Hmm....Creamed Tuna in Toast Baskets - I'm not sure how many people would choose to fix that for a children's party these days - but it actually sounds kind of good to me! And I'll take some of that chocolate pudding, too, please.

Simple and pretty, that sure is a nice looking turkey on the table in this setting from a 1950's magazine:
And I wouldn't mind having those great Danish Modern candle holders in the picture below! I already have a salad serving set that would go perfectly with the carving set they have at the ready in this table setting from a 1959 Better Homes and Gardens magazine:

What are the traditions on YOUR table? One thing that we do NOT have is green bean casserole. We didn't grow up with it, and just haven't ever chosen to make it one of our traditional side dishes. But we will have our favorite mashed potatoes, and we'll have pumpkin pie, of course. Cranberry sauce? Yes. (More about that tomorrow.)
I do love me some leftover turkey on some nice sourdough bread - but just mustard and/or mayonnaise for me, and maybe a little lettuce.
How about you? What goes into your favorite turkey sandwich?
We feast on the leftovers for days afterward, and love every bit of it.
What's up with all these articles that say leftover turkey should be used within 2 or 3 days?


  1. Nice slices of white turkey meat, on either whole wheat, sour dough, or garlic sour dough bread, with some mayo and mustard mixed together on the top, salt and pepper, and maybe some lettuce (but not necessary). Heaven. Can't wait. Love T

  2. I was wondering myself what those 2 to 3 day turkey people were talking about.Safety Police. We'll be eating it for a week or 'till its gone:O)

    We have always gone to my Mothers for Thanksgiving and her meal is very traditional, Turkey, stuffing(from the box), sweet potatoes with marshmallows and butter (for my mom), white mashed potatoes(for my brother),green bean casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce(from the can- gelled,sliced:O) etc. Always very delicious and we have to roll ourselves out the door after the pies.

    I usually make a thanksgivingish feast on a different day just so I get to cook it! Gotta keep my juices flowing ya know.

    This year my parents are living in a different town and I will be cooking on the day itself. I am excited. I will be cooking a similar menu to my moms, but with a few changes, like I am making a Pear,Prociutto, hazelnut stuffing, and sweet potato fries. I am also going to use a brine for my turkey.

    Oh... the turkey sammy the day after. Isn't it the best. I use white bread, sourdough would be best,a spread of mayo and cranberry sauce and the gobbler, maybe a bit of lettuce. Yummy.

  3. Hey I wanted to recommend a great Thanksgiving movie. "What's Cooking" I love it. Has some great acting in it and some terrible acting(the Asian teens) but it is full of fantastic food/cooking scenes and a wonderful message.

    If you haven't seen it, check it out.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. have you ever had cranberry mustard? american spoon makes lots of things from michigan harvests and i tried it and loved it - great on turkey sandwiches. had a friend that couldn't eat mustard or mayo so always had cranberry with his turkey sandwiches-thats what made me think of trying it.
    we always have the full blown turkey cuz john loves (and is good at) making homemade soup. when we lived in calif - we used to rotate homes and had a group of us that always got together and anyone that didn't have family to go to was welcome. i miss those wonderful celebrations with mark and the rest of the gang.

  5. We don't have green bean casserole either. The tradition that we have that is different from most people is we must have dumplings! I Love the leftovers and turkey sandwiches - for days and days:) I'm a purist, just mayo and turkey. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet sisters! Twyla

  6. No green bean casserole here either! Just plenty of pie!
