Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Then And Now #53 Laughing Cow

How now, Laughing Cow. I LOVE this stuff - and I have to admit that I did not even know it existed back in 1973, which is the date on this advertisement.

But the one that I always keep on hand is this one - Babybel Light. It is one of my favorite go-to snacks:

And then, there are the spreadable cheese wedges. This ad, too, is from 1973 - and I never heard of the stuff back then. Of course, I wasn't exactly spending my time checking out the cheeses at the grocery store, either! They may not have even carried it at our local Safeway , and Daddy did the shopping anyway. He wouldn't have bought it - we were more into cheddar cheese.

But "Now", their Light Original Swiss is one more thing I can truthfully say is ALWAYS in my refrigerator. Another favorite snack, I love it with celery, with 100 calorie pack crackers, and even as a spread on a sandwich or a bagel instead of mayonnaise or cream cheese.
It's really good stuff.
(And no, I don't get paid or anything like that for writing about the products I buy and love. I wish I did! I don't imagine our little blog has enough readers for that type of thing.)


  1. You are right, it is great stuff!!! I love it too!!

  2. i haven't tried it yet but have been wanting to - its good to hear what you think!

  3. One of my very favorites and I didn't know it had been around so long either. I am laughing imagining Daddy at the old Safeway on Broadway with each of our particular shopping lists! LOL. Never in a million years! He had enough trouble managing to get our favorite ice creams. I should do a blog someday about Frito-Lay, Daddy, Safeway and Me. Love T
