Saturday, December 5, 2009

My Vintage Coats

I thought I would show you some of my favorite vintage coats today. I think I found this red beauty years ago in Grass Valley. It has black velvet trim on the cuffs, buttons and lining the collar:
This one was a thrift shop find here in town. I don't know about you, but I don't find gorgeous vintage coats at the thrifts very often!:
Can't even remember where I found this blue one. The color is actually prettier in person, and it's a "swing" style. I love the glittery buttons. (These are all long coats - not floor length - but longer than they would be on me than most people, since I'm only five feet tall. My full length pictures looked awful - sorry about showing only the top half):
This is my oldest one - and it's in poorer condition than the others, but I still like it:
I am not sure I can choose a favorite - but this suede beauty with the fur collar would be right up in there. This belonged to my mother-in-law, and it didn't used to fit me. But now it does!! My picture doesn't do it proper justice:
I LOVE it.
But I do love and enjoy wearing all of the rest, too.
"Button up your overcoat, when the wind is free....take good care of yourself, you belong to me!"


  1. All your coats are great. The blue one reminds me of our Grandma Nettie for some reason. Love the one from your M-I-L, and I am happy it fits you. Here's wishing for cold weather for you and your coats. Love T

  2. i love vintage coats. one of my yosemite friends used to live in stockton and work at the discovery shop. she had a vintage coat that was turned in with a reciept for a beef sandwich (from a well known defunct diner) for 25 cents! it was a fantastic coat. i love vintage coats soooo much. great collection - i think i like the red one best - but they are all winners.

  3. Fantastic coats!

    Have a Happy Walt Disney's 108th birthday day!

  4. I bet you look so pretty in that red coat! It is so nice! I really like the blue one too! Twyla

  5. Check out the coat at Good Stuff. It's right inside the door to the left. You might like it. I did not look at the price, but I was in there this afternoon and Chuck commented on the fur collar.

  6. Oh how I love vintage coats!!!! That red one is sooooooo wonderful!!!!
