Saturday, April 24, 2010

Then And Now # 64 Betty Crocker Brownies

Betty Crocker Brownies are the subject of the day, seen here in a advertisement for the mix from 1954:

And, here is another, this one from 1956:
And one more ad from 1960:
Here is how the box looks today. Oh, but she has more than one variety available these days!

I felt like making brownies the other day.
So I did:
I am a chocoholic, and yes, I LOVE brownies!
I didn't use a mix. But I did use a recipe from this Betty Crocker cookbook:
So that counts, right?


  1. Oh boy do those look yummy! I love them with walnuts. I am not a chocoholic, but I love brownies. Just give me a nice cold glass of milk to mellow out all the chocolate and I am good. I can see these for breakfast.... Love T

  2. my mom bought me a betty crocker cookbook when john & i decided to get married. still have it. this year we celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary! i think brownies are the one thing that we never ever outgrow or change our minds on. once you like/love em - ya always do. i love brownies.

  3. Absolutely :) (Yours look better!)

  4. Looks so yummy! I have never made brownies from scratch! So I am very impressed! So Cool.. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Have a great weekend

  5. Stop it! Now what am I going to do? Not a morsel of sweetness in the house. Those look so good I may have to go buy a brownie mix. Betty Crocker or course!

  6. Yummy--I make a great batch of brownies from a box of brownie mix and a can of black beans. You would never believe it, but they are delicious!! Yours look better, though...
