Thursday, May 6, 2010

Favorite Products From My Past

Today's post is about is products from my past. In some cases, it may be something that I really used to like a LOT that I haven't used for a very long time. Jean Nate is one of those. I loved the scent years ago. For quite awhile, actually. I guess I outgrew it or something? Or moved on, I'm not sure which:

Next up: Yardley's English Lavender - I have loved this scent for years! I never did get tired of IT, though - I would happily use it again if I could just find it. (I don't want to pay extra for shipping - I know I could order it online.)
I did pick up one of the vintage bottles in an antiques shop (on the right, below). And there is a teeny bit left in my spray bottle. I guess I just can't bear to use the last of it - I may not find any more:
I like the cologne spray, the soap and the talcum powder. It's all good.

Noxzema Skin Cream. I washed my face with this stuff every day for at least thirty years! I finally switched to something else.
The look of the label has changed over the years:

I didn't like it when they started packaging it in plastic containers, so I found myself a vintage glass Noxzema jar and transferred mine into it for daily use. I even used a small vintage jar to carry some in my travel bag. Now they look pretty with my other little blue glass bottles in the bathroom window.

Do you remember the original Clairol Herbal Essence Shampoo? I used it in high school, and beyond. LOVED it. Honestly, I think I may have only quit using it when it no longer existed in it's original form. I was in love with the scent of it. I just recently discovered that they offer a similar formula here. I'm not interested in paying 14.95 plus shipping for a bottle of shampoo, even though I'd secretly love to try it again.
Yes, I used the creme rinse, too:

I suppose I didn't stray too far- now I use these:

I go through the conditioner pretty fast- WAY faster than the shampoo! My hair was long back in high school, but not nearly as long as it was in this picture:

Since that photo was taken, I have had about 8 inches cut off the length. It had been four years since I had a professional haircut!
(I'm pretty low maintenance.)
It looks MUCH better now.
Next up are three products I started using MANY years ago that I actually still use to this day....
Cover Girl Clean Make-up and Powder:

And Maybelline Great Lash Mascara:

They look a little different now:
I like to say, "When you find a good product, stick with it!"
Works for me.


  1. I used a lot of the same products, also. Especially remember the nice smell of the Herbal Shampoo, it was great!

  2. I think you got your love of some of these products from me. Especially the Yardley English Lavender and Noxema. I used those when you were still a little tyke. I still use Maybelline Great Lash and I loved the original Clairol Herbal Essence scent also, it was like being outside at a Sierra creek in the springtime. And I remember your love of Jean Nate very well. I still love the scent and it would remind me of you if I smelled it. Great post. PS Do you think my secret (from yesterday) is out? LOL. Love T

  3. love the blue glass.....there were some bonnie bell products that i loved and found they have a heritage line of products on line. their 'after sun' lotion is the best EVER of anything i have ever tried - even if you don't 'sun'.

  4. Maybelline Great Lash--a classic! Always have used it. Always will. I can still remember the smell of Jean Nate. So fresh!

  5. I loved the original Herbal Essence shampoo. Did you know the patent expired in 1991 hence the name change to plural Herbal "Essences"? I think that sounds goofy.

  6. Wow, I love these old ads! Takes me right back to my teens. Twyla
