Monday, May 31, 2010


I found this old box of puzzles up high on a closet shelf here in the house. I am certain they belonged to my husband and his brother, and that they played with them when they were little. So they're pretty old (tee hee!).
Animal Puzzles - the box is falling apart:

I finally decided to go ahead and sort all of the pieces into bags. There were 5 puzzles all jumbled into the box, which was so full it had to be held closed with a rubber band.
So then last week I put the puzzles together. I don't do puzzles much, and there was no picture to work from - plus I had no idea of the size or shape, so I had a bit of difficulty with them. (Well, I did. And, yes, I KNOW they are kid's puzzles. What can I say?) It didn't help that pieces were missing:

Oh, yeah ....pieces were missing, all right:
From every one of them:
And they would have been so cute!

So, what has me "PUZZLED" is this?
How DO children manage to lose 4, 5, or more pieces from EVERY single puzzle in a box?
Is it a law of nature or something?

And while I'm at it, what exactly does one do with cute vintage puzzles that are incomplete??
Got any ideas?


  1. awww they are adorable, missing pieces and all!

    I'd frame them and hang them in a child's room, or the room where you put all the other vintage toys and such, if you have one.

  2. I wonder where the kitty puzzle is like on the lid of the box? Did they lose the whole thing?? Darn those boys!!Kids!!!

  3. These puzzles are neat,,,there must be someone in this world who specializes in missing puzzle pieces or makes pieces to there is a career...actually Harry Rinker (collectibles guru on T,V., radio and books, newspaper a BIG puzzle collector. (Perhaps he has an ida or two).

    Kitsch n Stuff

  4. I would frame them and put copies of the little pictures you have of hubby and brother in the missing spots. The photos are black and white so they would stand out a little bit. The puzzles are so cute. Good job putting them together! Love T

  5. How fun! I always wonder where all those missing pieces go...

  6. Love those puzzles - I may have the same set - will have to look. I really like the robin one. My suggestion with puzzles - and it doesn't always work...but I have had success quite a few times, is to color copy a "fake" piece. This would probably only work with the chicken and the robin in your examples. You just cut a piece of the color copy that would work with the missing piece. Like cut a section of branch from a color copy and "piece" it back in the missing hole. I decoupage my puzzles together and frame them, so I just decoupage the color copy part to rest of the puzzle. The pieces are abstract to begin with and it actually works pretty long as the missing pieces are a really vital part of the puzzle - like a face. Background and the red of the robins body should be okay. (on the robin you could use a chest area from one of the baby robins to put it back together.) It really isn't as complicated as this long explanation!

  7. I appreciate all of your suggestions!
