Friday, June 18, 2010

Out In The Yard

I was out in the yard last week, and I managed to get a couple of nice shots of our beloved Dizzy Kitty. It's so hard for me to photograph him, because he always moves at inopportune moments!
And the same day, we had our very first gorgeous tiger lily blossom:

And, back to Dizzy again. Gosh, I can't decide which is more handsome - that lovely flower or that precious kitty cat we both love so much....

Just kidding! Diz wins, hands down, every time.
He's a beautiful cat.


  1. Dizzy Kitty is a very handsome cat!
    I used to have a grey cat when I was a child. He had such a lovely nature.

    Have a lovely weekend
    Isabelle x

  2. He sure is beautiful, that Dizzy Kitty!!!

  3. He looks very regal sitting there surveying his world. I hope he is keeping the devil cat from across the street away. Your Tiger Lily is very lovely too. We have some yellow lilies blooming right now. Great post. Love T

  4. i am so glad dizzy made the blog again. sadie and bobalu are out in the garden 'helping' john hoe.

  5. Dizzy is gorgeous! I love gray & white kitties. I have one too!

  6. I think Dizzy would have to win... hands down! What a beautiful kitty he is!
    You know, when I saw that tiger lily, I realized that I haven't seen one in years. My mama used to have them everywhere and I loved them so much.
