Saturday, July 24, 2010

Barbie Dress Up Day #6 Let's Go Swimming!

Skipper said, "It's so hot! Can't we go swimming or something?"

So, they all put on their swim togs, and off they went!

Barbie decided to just throw on one of her old suits:

They were going down by the river, and she figured she'd probably get one of her good suits all dirty, anyway.

They had fun, and I hope they remembered to take their sunscreen!


  1. ya know i love barbie! great photos of them in their swim outfits. at least i finally got barbie (see's barbie that is) or i would be very jealous.

  2. heidi - ranger dave's blog - on blogspot as is yours - posted some views of half dome new to me and maybe i was wrong about the picture you asked me about - go to his blog and perhaps you can decide for yourself.

  3. Oh, I wish I had Barbie's figure. I was told that she is out of proportion and that real women couldn't have a figure like hers but I would LOVE to look like that. Disfigurement and all....
    That's a big picture on your header but you are just the cutest little thing.

  4. Too bad Midge didn't get to go. Too much sun for her anyway, I guess. Love T

  5. How fun! Between my three sisters and I we had all three dolls and all three swimsuits pictured, great meemories!

  6. This is so cute! I love these swimsuits. Twyla

  7. All Skipper has to do is crank her arm around, and she'll have the figure to wear her big sister's suits.
