Friday, July 16, 2010

Thrifted Books

I have found so many books at the thrift stores and yard sales lately that it seemed they warranted their very own post! Vintage cookbooks:
Vintage craft and Christmas books:
More cookbooks and a great bird book:
Newer cookbooks - I already had a hardbound copy of Mrs. Fields, I think , but it was either a dime or a quarter or free, and that middle one is a fabulous Hallmark Christmas book. I have been lucky to find a few of those. I would have wanted to buy them new at the Hallmark store when they came out, (but I didn't), and I'd certainly rather pay a dollar or two than twenty! And the Weight Watchers book just happened to be one I didn't already have, as well:
This one was a more unusual find - at the Waste Management Store. Do you remember Ronald Searle's artwork? He did a LOT of caricatures for TV Guide covers back in the day.
I have also found his illustrations in the vintage Holiday Magazines that were here in the house.
Quirky, and they appeal to me. Another book for the old library-that-doesn't-exist-in-our-home-but-REALLY-should!!


  1. I LOVE those old BH&G books! I collect the craft and home decorating ones and snatch them up whenever I see them. Get yourself a bookcase and start that library!

  2. What wonderful finds! I too love to pick up all the vintage holiday and cooking books I can find.
    Recently I found a vintage cookbook put together by a church. It is wonderful! Love all the old fashioned recipes!

  3. Great finds. Hope you get your library someday. Me too. Love T
