Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Give-Away to Celebrate 1000 Posts!

I can scarcely believe it, but here at Gold Country Girls we are marking an important milestone today!
To help us celebrate our 1000th post, we are having a little give-away.
Please leave a comment on this post between now and midnight August 10th for a chance to win the items shown in today's pictures.
Included in this little gift we have put together for you are: a birthday greeting card I made from a vintage postcard, a vintage pattern, some pastel-colored rick rack, vintage sheet music pages for crafting, a blue crocheted doily or antimacassar, an embroidered floral dresser scarf, a sweet-smelling olive soap, and a saucer/soap dish with lovely roses that tells us on the back that it was painted by Irma in 1952:
A framed antique rose postcard, pillow case trimmed with pink crocheted trim, an Irish Linen handkerchief trimmed in crochet, another little embroidered hanky, bouquet of posies, an hand-painted china napkin ring, two crocheted potholders, and, in honor of our blogging friends and readers - a key to unlock friendship's door:

It is our sincere hope that you will continue to read - and, hopefully, enjoy - our little blog. Your comments mean the world to us! We read and truly appreciate each and every one. It is certainly not a requirement to enter, but if you DO read on a regular basis, I hope that you might consider becoming a "Follower" - all you need do is click where it says Follow - nothing more is required of you. There is just something about seeing that number of Followers grow that brings a big smile to our faces!
Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for reading the writings that we so enjoy penning and posting for you each and every day.


  1. Congratulations on your 1000 posts!! I love your blog, and really enjoy popping in to see what's happenin'-- such great finds, and so nostalgic!!
    PS: It's official-- I'm a follower!

  2. Wow, I wish I wasn't a Gold Country Girl so I could enter! ;-)
    Good luck to all our wonderful readers, followers, and comment-leavers. I know it makes my day when I get comments on my posts. Love T

  3. if i win give it to tina except for the key!!!!!

  4. How exciting! 1000 posts is impressive. I really enjoy your blog in fact I think I am the fourth Gold Countey Girl I just live on the other side of the mountain. ;0)

    I adore the little tours and nostalgic wares. The old magazine photos and especially the Disney talk!

  5. One thousand posts?? Wow! I didn't know you had been at this that long.
    That'sa lotta posts girl....

  6. Congrats on 1000 posts! I had no idea you'd been doing this for so long. Now I want to go back and read it all from the start! What an incredibly generous giveaway. I love it all, especially the vintage sheet music. Thanks so much for the chance to win, and here's to 1000 more fun-filled posts!
    Have a great day!

  7. Ashley in adelaide Aust.August 5, 2010 at 3:36 AM

    Congratulations Gold Country Girls on 1,000 postings. I enjoy looking at your site, I especially like the fashions and dressmaking posts. Your "dissy kitty" looks a lot like our "lucky laddie" Ashley-Rose.

  8. Congratulations, Gold Country Girls! Wow, 1000 posts is quite an acomplishment! They have every one been enjoyable too! I love the items in your giveaway and it's so sweet of you to give us the opportunity to win. Have a wonderful day! Twyla

  9. Please include me in this most lovely giveaway! Looking forward to 1,000 posts more!

    Dawn, of The Gahan Girls
