Friday, August 20, 2010

I Do Love A Nice Farmer's Market

"Uncle Sam says: GARDEN To Cut Food Costs". Well - growing your own surely DOES save money. We don't, so instead we tend to spend quite a bit at the Farmer's Market, helping out those local farmers who DO grow their own
It's all worth it to me, especially when the money is spent on my wonderful, adored summer cherry tomatoes!
(These next three photos were taken at the farmer's market in Placerville):
But you can also find beautiful, colorful pottery:
And glorious flowers!
These are the tomatoes I brought home:

Oh - and I never did get any boysenberries, but we DID get some blackberries from our favorite vendor at the Sonora farmer's market, Duane Oneto from Angel's Camp, and I finally made that pie I've been "talking" about!

I had been looking through my bazillion cookbooks trying to figure out which recipe to use, and I ended up going with one from this 1975 Better Homes and Gardens cookbook:
(Have I mentioned lately how much I love Better Homes And Gardens? I love the current magazine, the vintage magazines, the vintage cookbooks, everything!)
Oh - and the pie was well worth the wait - and, yes - even the calories.


  1. That pie is so adorable!!! I love the cute design on top! Enjoy!

  2. Love the picture of all the cherry tomatoes. Your pie looks scrumpious. Glad it was worth everything! Home made is always better isn't it? Love T

  3. i wish i could make pie crust.....i have a big love for 'pie crust' cookies that my gram and gramma always made with the extra pie crust dough left over.....looks like you did a great job. we made/canned tomato juice and bloody mary mix yesterday. good use of your house cookie cutter on the pie!

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