Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Pretty Little Cottages

Today I am sharing with you one of my favorite collections: my little ceramic cottages. The first one is my most recent acquisition:
I have gotten them at antiques shops:
And on etsy:
And eBay:
Whenever I discover a new one, I am thrilled!
Aren't they the sweetest things?
No, this one is not like the others - it's a liquor bottle - but it just fit in so well with the rest!
And this last one? Well - there's a story behind this one! We sisters were lucky enough to take a trip in 2001 to visit our dear aunt, uncle and cousins and their families in Wisconsin. They took us all over while we were there and we loved every single minute of our trip! I saw this little house high up on the wall inside a shop in Bayfield. I loved it but I finally decided against purchasing it. About two weeks after we got home I couldn't stand it any more (Kept thinking about it! You know how I do!) So I called and asked if they still had it and would they consider sending it to me if I paid over the phone with a credit card?

Of course you can see that they would indeed, and did, and it made it's way here to settle into Heidi's quaint little cottage village.


  1. My Mother has one of the liottle cottages that look all a like with the 3 windows? its in a blue theme, and Iv been fighting her for a year to let me bring it to the Casablanca! I'll send you a picture!

  2. I'd absolutely love to see it, Mick!
    And I forgot to mention how excited I was when in some earlier episodes of "Mad Men", I spied one in the Draper's kitchen. Then it was gone, and later it turned up on top of their television set! Don't know where it is now - wish I had it!

  3. I really like your newest one. I am partial to the ones that look quite real. The one on the set of Mad Men wants to move to your home too! One episode it was on the coffee table in the family room also. But I actually saw it back in the kitchen a couple of episodes ago, on the little corner shelf by the sink where it was before. (Of course, I guess it isn't the "Draper" kitchen anymore.) I love my little house too, I still like the way it is painted the most of all of them. I saw one for sale a long time ago but it was painted so badly I didn't buy it (they wanted too much for it anyway) Love T

  4. They are all adorable!! Love them!!!

  5. Yet again you have shown me something new! New to me at least. I have never seen these houses and I love them. If I ever come across one I will let you know.

  6. Such a fun collection! I've never seen those before. That last one is sooo wonderful... I can understand why you called them back. So glad that it's where it belongs now!

  7. so cool. it also brings to mind the little cottage/s on the see's candy boxes.

  8. This is a wonderful collection...I have never seen anything like this.
    do you know who makes them?

  9. I've never seen these little cute...especially love the last one!

  10. I swear you find the cutest stuff!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Heidi, these are just the cutest things! How is it I've never run into one of these?! You know I love these cottages too and so enjoyed seeing your collection. I did run into one of the star pottery pieces Tina shared a few posts ago! I was so excited I almost shouted! It was too high so I didn't get to get it:( Hope you are having a great week! Twyla
