Monday, November 1, 2010

The Autumn Leaves....

....drift by my window, the autumn leaves of red and gold.
I hope you are enjoying the autumn leaves in all of their gorgeous colors, like the ones in this scene from the Hudson River Valley::
(Photo above from Traditional Home magazine.)
Or the beauty and splendor of these around the picturesque Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park (from Bon Appetit):Perhaps you can take a walk - whether it be alone like the young woman in this photo from Sunset Magazine:

or with your dog, or perhaps with a friend or two...

....or maybe with that special someone - you could even take a picnic lunch out with you and enjoy their beauty while they last:

What lovely yellow leaves these are against the blue sky in this Sunset Magazine photo:
You might even choose to bring some inside (from Better Homes And Gardens):

Yes, I hope you are able to enjoy their splendor... (also from BHG):
... even if you might have to rake them up afterward!

Happy first day of November!


  1. Ahhh one thing I miss, living in so. Cal. No real Fall color. The few trees around here that do change, have not even started to turn colors yet!

    My friend in Michigan says, the trees there, are bare lol...

    Lovely photos. =D

  2. I was just out yesterday afternoon taking photos of our maples we have planted on the West side of the house to provide us with shade someday. Two are turning, half red and half green still, one is a lovely yellow. The more prolific oaks just get a little bit of slight gold brown and then the leaves all blow off. The black oaks change more dramatically, to an almost orange, but we only have two in our yard. What a beautiful time of year! Thanks for the lovely post. Love T

  3. the colors here are long gone - and with the wind storms we had last week - most of the leaves have been blown of the trees. we have lots of pine trees around here that my gramps planted so we have something more to look at than bare branches.
