Saturday, November 20, 2010

Remembering My 4-H Years

I recently came across my old 4-H book, hats and collar packed away, and I set to reminiscing:
The name of our club was Southside Topnotch:
Lori and I painted our room as part of our Home Furnishings project:
Cooking was probably my favorite project, though:
Here I am painting my chair (or watching Trinka the cat walk by!), and in the bottom photo, my "desk accessory":
And this is my finished chair I painted all those years ago; I have shown it to you in a previous post about antiquing furniture. (As it happens, I also showed you my desk accessory in a previous post, too. I had just added the little decal to it.):

And a few years later, I covered a desk blotter and letter holder with Contact Paper. Looking at it now, I think I should have at least added some stickers or something! I sure wish I still had that cat bank ( I'm not even sure it was mine), and I also wish that bottom picture was in color:
The other side of my hats:

Oooh - Little Miss Serious here, as I prep and paint my nightstand. I still have it, too. These pictures were taken out in Daddy's shop. I miss Daddy - and his shop:

I really did not know that 4-H had expanded all around the world,
..but I'm very glad to hear that it has. We were all three in 4-H for years, and Mother and Daddy were both project leaders, as well.
It's a FABULOUS organization, and we have very fond memories of our years as members. If you're interested, I also did a post a while back about Lori's demonstrations.
(Maybe if we all ask nicely, Tina and Lori will share some of their 4-H memories in a post or a comment, too.)


  1. I really enjoyed our 4-H years!!! Many friends made, many lessons learned. I must of had great sewing leaders because I am still sewing today!! I think most people think of animals with 4-H, however I am not sure I ever had an animal project. Today they have such different classes, such as scrapbooking and even stained glass!!!! It was great fun!!! I still have my book and hat, also!!
    Those Demonstrations I did were fun, but I had been a little shy, it was a wonderful way to learn how to speak in front of a large group.

  2. 4-H, had that around here, of course, but it was always animal-based. I didn't know they did other things!

  3. I would love to dig out my 4H book and show it. I don't think I have my hat any longer, I wish I did but I think it was in my old suitcase which the mice decided would make a good home and went the way of my Christmas stocking and blue ribbons. That was the prettiest mouse nest you ever did see. Great post, love all the old pictures. Aren't you glad we had to keep our books up every year? It is like a diary. Lori is right, everyone thinks it was all about animals, but it never was just that. I liked the home furnishings and cooking the best. I always wanted to take Daddy's woodworking class too. Love T

  4. Great photos Heidi. I thought it was all about raising animals and then selling them. Thanks for educating me about 4-H. I love the blue chair! Thanks again for a wonderful afternoon. Lunch was delicious.

  5. Your chair is so pretty. So nice that you still have it. I love the pictures of you painting it! Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  6. we were involved in 4H and in grange but i don't remember having hats. i do remember lots of pot luck dinners that i went to with my parents. you are so lucky to have so many memories and the pictures to go with.
