Monday, January 17, 2011

Did You Watch?

I really enjoy watching awards shows; I always have. And I enjoyed The Golden Globes last night (in spite of the host - I simply don't subscribe to the Ricky Gervais "brand" of humor, I guess). I love seeing all of the glitz and the glamour, and I truly enjoy witnessing all of the actors and all of the other movie makers as they accept their awards. I cry when I listen to some of the acceptance speeches! I was particularly delighted to see Chris Colfer and Glee take home their honors. And I adore Colin Firth, so I was thrilled for him, as well. I just love the whole spectacle of it all. I think I need to get myself to the cinema and see some more movies!
(The picture accompanying this post is from a book I purchased recently at a thrift store, "Architectural Presentation in Watercolor" by Chris Choate, which I bought solely for the few artistic renderings featured within. The Golden Globes were held last night at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills. The caption in the book denotes the architect Welton Becket.)
So, did YOU watch? Who and or what did you most enjoy - or dislike - about the show?


  1. I am not a fan of award shows, so rarely watch them. I do like Colin Firth, however, so whatever he won, I am happy for him. I also am a fan of Glee, and need to catch up on it sometime. Love your architectural watercolor and would like to see the whole book. Love T

  2. I used to be fascinated by awards shows and celebrities but no more. I did see a bit of the show last night but didn't know it was held at the Beverly Hilton. I stayed there when I was 14 for about five days in the summer of 1972. My best memory was running into Ed McMahon in the elevator!

  3. When I was 18 months old, my Mom won an all expense paid trip to the Beverly Hilton! That is my first memory - flying on the plane. Guess what our luggage was.....brown paper bags! I sweat! Can you imagine that you could take antying you wanted on a plane back them in anything you could carry!

    As for the awards - I like Ricky, but he was sort of rude last night. Sandra Bullock's b angs were whacked, both figuratively and literally and that one chick was all in white with white hair and no makeup. My son thought she was the walking dead!

  4. Yeah!! Chris Colfer and Colin Firth~ two of my favorite wins of the evening! I especially love Colin's speech~ he's a class act. I have to say, Claire Danes was my absolute favorite win. Her performance in Temple Grandin was amazing. Her speech was heartfelt and humble. I loved that the real Temple Grandin was there too! I got a bit weepy :)

    My biggest disappointment of the evening was the host. He was extremely mean-spirited, not funny. There's a big difference. He just kept getting more and more offensive as the night wore on. I hope that he's not invited back.


  5. i watched it off and on. so many looked so beautiful last night. i love that helena bonham carter had shoes that were 2 different colors. right up my alley.

  6. I missed the show but am glad you posted that nice image of the Beverly Hills Hilton.

    Welton Beckett sure designed some wonderful buildings.

