Thursday, February 24, 2011

My "Sewing" Books

So.... I haven't yet tried my hand at making anything again - not since I made my pillow. But I did find this book recently - and felt I needed to have it:
And I got this one a while back at a thrift shop, too:
And I've had this one for quite a while:
And I have also picked up some books about stitchery and embroidery, even though I haven't done any of that for at least 25 years or so!

Tina gave me this beautiful book for my birthday last year. "Simple", it says in the title - I like the sound of that:
Yet another book I've had for some time:
Now, THIS is the one skill I would most like to master - Reupholstering At Home. I'm afraid a book probably wouldn't quite do it for me - what I really need is a local class to teach me what I want to know:
And yet I buy the books anyway - "slipcovering", reupholstering - mastering either of those skills would be wonderful and useful:

I even save magazine articles:

Time will tell whether or not I will make use of these.
Yes, only time will tell.


  1. I love all your books, and I want to learn to reupholster too. Maybe we can take a class together? Meet in the middle somewhere like Sutter Creek? I have tons of barkcloth I have saved up to redo my chair that Luna has worked on for 7 1/2 years un-upholstering for me. LOL. Love T

  2. but for most upholstery you need a special heavy duty machine. i would love to but although i can sew - i don't have the patience to do it really well and it shows.

  3. I have barkcloth and some lovely chintz as well but have yet to do anything with them. I'll bet I could find some of those books at Goodwill. I'll have to keep an eye out.

    Deanna :D

  4. What a great post! The very first one is the sewing book my mother recieved as a teenager, and I used growing up.

    Upholstery is a rewarding project, "sew" I've heard. Soon I am going to take the plunge and try a Roman Shade.

    It will be fun seeing what you come up with!

  5. I have a few of the Better Homes & Gardens cookbooks, and I've been looking for the sewing, decorating, etc..too! I want to sew someday!

  6. Lovely books, great for a little bit of inspiration ;-)) Have a lovely weekend, dee x
