Monday, April 18, 2011

Your Disney Easter Bonnet?

In this picture of all three of us Gold Country Girls taken in the early 60's, we had been to Disneyland - and Tina is modeling her fabulous fine feathered felt hat for us!
I love the big pink feather!
And around about 1976 or so, who knew her son would go to Disneyland and get his very own Disneyland souvenir hat - this one with a lovely golden yellow feather? That's me with Josh and his hat, below:
Cut to MANY years later, and this is my newest version of a Disney Easter bonnet (well, it's the closest I've got) a Mickey Sorcerer's Apprentice hat! No feather, but it definitely has the tall thing going on.

And then next up are a couple of examples of my husband's Disney hats - cap style - first from California Adventure - of course, with a train on it!
And the next one, below, a "Pirate's" cap - to go with all of the Pirates of The Caribbean-themed T-shirts he has gotten. It's a nice one with a black suede brim. On the back it says "Dead Men Tell No Tales". Of course it does:

One more from me - a cap, as well - this one was purchased on Castaway Cay, when Lori and I went on the Disney Cruise/Walt Disney World trip - The Wild Side. I just liked the colors!

If it's from Disneyland, it's all right with me, Easter bonnet or no Easter bonnet.


  1. Love the hats! I wish I still had my pink one, and I wish we three girls could go to Disneyland and then go visit Aunt Lillian afterward. I also find it interesting that I had my hair cut short with a curly perm in the first photo, and then in the picture with you and Josh, you had your hair cut short with a curly perm! Going to Disneyland will really curl your hair. I love the pics of Josh, I don't think I had seen them before. Of course I also love your Apprentice hat, my favorite of all! Great post. Love T

  2. i have that wizard hat thanks to you heidi - you brought it back for me on one of your disney excursions.

  3. I wonder what ever happen to my hat with feather. I got one in Disneyland too.
    Wasn't it exciting to drive down there and see that place. I will never forget the first time. It was in the 50's and we met Walt Disney on the Riverboat.
    Good memories.
