Saturday, June 4, 2011

Three Orange Clocks

I am rather fond of my vintage orange clocks. I have shown you this first one, below, before. I have had it since I was maybe twelve years old. I remember that Daddy built a special little corner shelf up high above my top bunk of the bunk bed Lori and I shared, and I had my little alarm clock sitting up there on it so that I could reach it from bed. I wonder what the people thought who moved in after we left about this odd little shelf up high all by itself in a corner?
Sadly, my favorite sweet little clock quit working LONG ago. I have also had this orange Big Ben for many, many years. He doesn't work either - and he is missing all three of the little screws on his back. But he's orange, and he's cute:

So, can you EVEN blame me for completely falling in love with this little cutie that I purchased on eBay??
Not only does it work - but it's in perfect condition, and it even came with the original box and instructions! Score!
And it might just be the cutest of all three.


  1. I've been noticing more and more 70's things on eBay, and they always make me think of you girls!

    You have also taught me to appreciate this era. I grew up around this time, but it took me a long time to appreciate the things I used to have. :)

  2. That's nice to know - thank you!

  3. I love your first old clock, and remembering how Daddy made things for us. I love the story of your shelf and don't remember it at all. I admire you for still hanging on to it although it doesn't work. There is nothing sadder than a clock without its tick tock. Love T

  4. It is the cutest one! Lucky girl.

  5. Nice to know that you still kept the clock that your father gave you years ago. Cute little red clock as well.

  6. I used to have a lime green alarm clock just like the one in your last picture!
