Saturday, July 30, 2011

John Alcorn, Illustrator

I was so tickled when I found the book below recently at a thrift shop for twenty-five cents - because I had never seen it before, and because I am totally smitten with the man who designed and illustrated the book, John Alcorn. (Also, Click Here to visit a fantastic website showcasing 300 examples of his work.)

I already had another book he illustrated (from which the rest of the illustrations I am showing you today came), titled "The Fireside Book Of Children's Songs".

Aren't these illustrations fantastic?!

Mr. Alcorn also designed this "Love" stamp for the United States Postal Service in 1987:

Another example below, the artwork for a 1969 Pepsi advertisement:

And one last thing - he also designed the package seen here for Eve cigarettes:

I think he was a fabulous talent, and I just wanted to share that with you.


  1. Wow. Very wonderful colorful art. I love them too! Great post. Love T

  2. I love them! especially the Pepsi Ad...fabulous!

  3. Love those Heidi! I'm curious to see if your Eve photo stays up. I had one on my blog and it turned into a hand and no smoking sign. Weird.

  4. great and he did the love stamp too!

  5. Boy do the cigs bring back memories. Not a smoker now but I dabbled in it in college. An Eve in one hand and a Tab in the other while studying for finals. We thought we were so sophisticated ... and now looking back, it feels so '80s chic. We did so much back then that begs the question "what the heck??"

    Thanks for sharing. And let's hope the Eve image doesn't get replaced (see other comment) 'cause despite the fact that cigarettes are bad for you, I love the image for the beautiful illustration and the memories.

  6. He is a great talent! Thanks for sharing! Twyla
