Tuesday, August 16, 2011

California State Fair 2011: Rock 'N Roll

We really enjoyed "Rock U - The Institute of Rock 'N' Roll", a wonderful rock and roll exhibit at the California State Fair this year (sponsored by Stage Nine Entertainment Company), and naturally I snapped a few photos:
Vintage poster art:
The boys:
Donovan! I love this album cover:
You could have your very own Abbey Road photo taken in front of this backdrop - cool:
Surfin' albums:
This fabulous piano was not included in that exhibit, but I am adding it here. Created by Allan Dominguez of Sacramento:
A LOT of work went into this and I think it is fantastic!

Rock on!


  1. I'm rockin'! Looks like a lot of fun. Love T

  2. I didn't make it to the fair this year, and now I wish I had!

  3. I am the biggest Beatles fan ever! I would have loved this! Twyla

  4. Oh this just makes me wish I had gotten my lazy fannie to the fair this year darnit! I would have LOVED this! I do enjoy the state fair, but it's been a hard switch over from the lovely "old" state fair on Stockton Blvd. It does take a long time for old leopards to change their spots ;- ) Great pics!

  5. Oh, Vickie - You really SHOULD have gone! The exhibits are always so great.
    I only have a couple of vague memories of the old state fairgrounds. But I do remember it was nice. I think Tina remembers it better, and maybe even has some old photos or something.

  6. Thank you for the kind comments about the Piano/collage I made. Rock on : ) Allan Dominguez

  7. Allan - You are so very welcome - and thank YOU for commenting here!
