Monday, August 1, 2011

Caught Napping

This shelf outside our kitchen window has always been one of Dizzy's favorite places. For a while, we thought perhaps the jump up there was a little bit too high for him, as he is getting older. But, no - he can still get up there. Sometimes he looks in at me when I am at the sink. ("Let me in, now, please!") Sometimes he just lays there. Still awake here:
Nodding off a little:
Okay, now he's REALLY asleep!

We've lived here for 12 years, and he sleeps there a lot, but we have never seen him like this before - with his face half falling into one of the flower pot holes on the shelf! I'm glad we got a picture - it totally cracked us up!


  1. awww sweet Kittah!!

    Fashion him some steps or whatnot. He will appreciate being able to get up there more easily. :)

  2. Got tired of waiting to get in maybe? I think his cousins want a shelf like that. Dizzy the shelf sitter knicknack. Cute. Love T

  3. so funny! ....and cute. sadie is 14 (almost) and has arthritis, so her jumping abilities are not what they used to be. we lift her some places but if i can sneak a peak and watch she looks and looks and looks yet again before attemping anything. good thing she still has claws (for the 'assist')

  4. Cat's find their own places, don't they?
    It would appear that he's very comfortable up there. Maybe a towel would be nice... an umbrella and a glass of ice tea. Ha!

  5. Cutest thing ever!!! You know how i love cat photos; Dizzy is a beauty and I am glad he has such a sweet little shelf to perch upon.

    It was truly lovely meeting you sisters at the Bookery the other day. You are all so inspiring and cute and fun. And by the way I LOVE YOUR ETSY! I finally got to check it out and I was swooning.
