Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just a little bit more of Ishi

Good morning, Gold Country Sis Tina here. Three weeks have come and gone since Ishi joined our Kelsey household.

He has gotten a little bit bigger. He has discovered there is a whole world outside on the deck, and that acorns are really fun to chase around.

Cheshire Cat has been trying to put up with Ishi's antics. A few less growls come from Luna, but she is still not excited about having a younger brother.

Chessie, at the top of the photo, is always cautious and watchful, but Ishi seems to get closer and closer very day.

Ishi enjoys this mat at the front door. He can lay here looking cute and at the same time keep his eye open for Chessie or Luna so that he can pounce when they try to come into the house.

Totally innocent and cuddly.

No, I am not sharpening my claws on the welcome mat, honest!

Always on the job in case bugs try to enter under the screen door.

Dilligence may pay off with a crunchy morsel if he sits still enough.

Almost big enough to be the king of all he surveys, if only he could see over the kick plate.


  1. He
    But then, you know how much I love kitties!

  2. Absolutely adorable! I'm a HUUGE animal lover & so enjoy seeing the furbabies - s'pecially the baby ones! So cute!

  3. oh my goodness...what a DOLL!!! i love the pictures of him peering out the door. he is one HANDSOME little man, and i'm glad the other two are getting used to him.

  4. awwwwwwwww been so long since I had a cat that young. Soooo cute!
