Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Anniversary

Thirty-one years ago today, my sisters had a double wedding. They were married inside the Emmanuel Church in Coloma, California. Tina wrote a post about the church back in May. Click here to go back and read her post. In the picture you see below, from left to right, that's cousin Elaine, Tina, Lori and me:
They made their dresses, and our outfits, too. Their wedding dresses were made from this Gunne Sax pattern:

And I think the pattern below may have been the one that was used for the skirts worn by Elaine and me. You can't see them, but they were off-white cotton with eyelet lace trim:
I still have my skirt, but I couldn't find it for this post. I did find my blouse, though. Made from a pretty little posy print with lace trim:
I don't know which pattern the blouses were from, but maybe I'll come across it some day. How sweet are those little heart-shaped buttons?

(I'm hoping to borrow Tina's dress from her some day, and I will dress Penny in it so that I can add it to this post and share it with you. If I find my skirt, I'll do the same with my maid of honor outfit.)
Happy Anniversary!


  1. Thank you for the sweet post about our wedding. I also made the little jacket that goes with the dress, but it accidently got shut into the Karmann Ghia door before the wedding, and ended up with a large grease spot. My good friend Peggy got most of it out for me later. You and Elaine looked great in your outfits. Love T

  2. memories.....how cool is that - a double wedding?

  3. wow - DREAM wedding! those dresses and outfits are all so gorgeous and folksy. what a lot of work went into them; i know those patterns aren't easy! you sisters all still look pretty much the same, can't believe this was 31 years ago.

  4. I agree with Moonshine you all look pretty much the same.

    I adore those dresses, everyone of them is so sweet and feminine. Best of all they were handmade by loved ones! Thanks for sharing.
