Saturday, October 8, 2011

Leoni Meadows Field Trip, Part One

Tina and I went on a field trip to Leoni Meadows in Grizzly Flats, California with the El Dorado County Historical Society. Lori wrote a post about the trip two years ago after she had gone with Tina, but I had never been there before.

The painting above was done, I believe, from a photograph of the old homestead before it was restored. Below, you see the home the way it looks today:

Complete with chickens strutting around in the yard:

A scene on the front balcony:
Some of the family who lived in the home:

A view - of the "Meadows" - gorgeous:

The colorful engine of the Glover-Roderick Railroad:

Another view, this time from the train:

I enjoyed the train ride, although we weren't able to take the whole loop due to track issues.
Coming up in Part Two, a tour of the homestead.


  1. Great photos. So glad it didn't rain! Let's go again next time too. Love T

  2. tina is so right - love these photos and even chickens in the front yard. looks like you two had a great time.

  3. That train is so cute! It looks like it just popped out of a storybook!

    Well, my friend and I are heading "up the hill" today-- going to Sutter Creek, etc. Might do a little shopping, or just gather some seasonal inspiration!


    ps: wish I could have some chickens on my front lawn... so cute!

  4. What a great trip this time of year. I haven't been up there, ever.
    Guess we need to make more of an effort to see some of our historic foothill towns. Been waiting for the weather to change. It finally has.
    Love the photos and the history of these places.
