Thursday, October 20, 2011

Purple Paisley Counterpane

I did a post back in 2009 , when my guest room bed looked like this:

And when I found a gorgeous chenille bedspread I loved at a thrift shop, I changed it and it looked like this:
But today, it looks like this:

All of the purple vintage pillows at the head of the bed were here in the house when we moved in. This is the first time I have been able to display them all together.
The purple paisley coverlet was given to me by our elderly neighbor when she was moving away. She lived in the home next door for over sixty years, and my husband went all through school with her youngest daughter. When I said something about how much I liked one just like it that had already been sold at their estate sale, Muriel insisted that I take the one that had been on her own bed as a gift. She passed away earlier this year.
I think it's absolutely gorgeous, and I treasure it. It is heavy, quilted, and warm, and is made of a soft flannel-like fabric. The underside is solid purple.

I have showed you the pretty embroidered pillow before, but it looks so wonderful on this bed that I have an excuse for showcasing it again today.
Here's wishing sweet purple paisley dreams to all who stay here in our guest room.


  1. Looks super warm and cozy. When I am coming over? LOL. Love T

  2. That is GORGEOUS and what a lovely story behind it!

  3. This is so "gypsy" beautiful. I love the colors.
    How nice of your neighbor to give it to you... who would have loved it more than you?... and all those pillows that were made for the spread. Wow!

  4. This is going to be "starred" as a favorite for me. There is just something about purple paisley!
