Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Greetings

Thanksgiving Greetings to you!

I'm raising my glass in a toast to all of you, with the grandest of Blessings for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
And though I can't be there in person to sing it, I'll leave you with this little song:

Have a happy Turkey Day, from the Gold Country Girls.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


  2. Happy Thanksgiving Gold Country Sises(I tried double ss's, it looks funny - sisses, take your pick) We are making the mashed potatoes of course, with fat free dairy, they are all ready to cook but now dear hubby has decided he is going to fix the stove, which has been broken for only about 5 years. So hopefully we will still have a stove and some cooked potatoes by the time we live for lil' sis-in-laws. I will call later. Love T

  3. The rain will only last a little while. So says KCRA.
    It's beautiful though, and we are so lucky to be living in such beautiful foothill locations.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
