Friday, December 23, 2011

Fa La La La Finds

Christmas is almost here! And I have been baking and wrapping - but there's still time to show you my Christmas thrift finds from last week. I was ecstatic (really!) when I found this vintage Holt Howard Santa candle holder! He was in a really weird place at the bottom of a box of unattractive linens on the floor in a corner. It did occur to me that perhaps he had been hidden there on purpose. For me to find, apparently. Thank you very much:

In the same thrift shop, I found Vera Christmas napkins, too - seven of them:

I have mentioned before that I do love me some sequins and beads! I found an apple and a pear:
And a golden beaded "Sputnik" style ornament:
The little vintage angel, front and center, below was in a mess of funky Christmas ornaments - sometimes you have to dig deep to find the real treasures. For one quarter, I brought her home to join her friends who were already on display in the cabinet behind her. I have aspecial fondness for these silvery plastic angels:

Well, I still have more baking (of all of the things I have no business eating!) to do.
Hope you enjoyed seeing my finds!


  1. I am so glad to be able to look at the blog every morning and see the lovely little Christmas things since I wasn't able to decorate this year. These are all so great, love your little candle holder especially. Can't wait to get together on Sunday! Love T

  2. Great stuff! I love the Santa candle holder. Oh and the Veras are fab.

  3. great find on the vera and of course everything else.
