Friday, December 9, 2011

Lovin' Those Vintage Apron Patterns

Sister Lori here with some vintage apron patterns. Mostly I pick them up at thrift stores for 20c to 50c. I think the first one is my most favorite!!

This one is my next favorite:

Apron patterns were big back in the day:

One has a 1946 date on it, another is from 50's I think.

Aren't they great? Some day I hope to make them all!


  1. Love love love them! I have a bunch too, and I think they are all different from yours. Aren't they sweet? One of my favorite collectibles. You can make them yours with different fabric and trims, and the designs are so attractive. Loved this post a lot. Love T

  2. I'm always amazed at how many variations there are on the apron - I've bought tons of apron patterns over the years, and the third one you posted is the only one I'd seen before!

  3. Oh...I love them all but the first one is my favorite too!

  4. How wonderful! These patterns are so beautiful. I directed a play one time that took place in the early 50s. We had a decent budget so I splurged and chose materials similar to those I remember and hired a great seamstress. First thing we found out? A size ten then is about a size six today (early 90s.)Ha! We all began to recall how tiny most people actually were back then. That began some truly great and very funny stories! Love to all! Joyce

  5. my gram always had an apron on here at the farm - work aprons, cooking aprons, house cleaning aprons etc etc - love these paterns.
