Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Football Post

Sister Lori here with a football post on a big game Sunday:
I have enjoyed football for a long time. It probably goes back to high school where I was on the Cheer Squad and had a boyfriend who played. You needed to understand the game to know when to sound off the correct cheer.
Then, years later, my son was involved for 8 years, 4 years on a Jr. team and then another 4 years in high school, at my same alma mater.
I really still enjoy watching a game.
In 2003, my son's Senior year of school, he was turning 18 at the end of his last football season. He really liked the Raiders, so we bought tickets to a game for his birthday. The plan was for all of our family to go together. I had been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer right before and after 3 chemo treatments, became too ill to make the trip. My daughter's boyfriend went in my place. I am cancer free now, but always was sorry to have missed the game.
This last December, 8 years later, my son treated me to my first NFL Raiders game:

We drove to Concord and took the Bart,that was an experience!!

It takes you right to the Coliseum. Here is the overpass from the train, early in the day. We were early to tailgate party with his good friend who is a major Raiders Fan!!!

This is our little tailgate party set up:

Greg owns a lot of Raiders gear, he even works at a Raiders sports store.

Our food and drink table, Greg barbecued chicken wings, steaks and bacon wrapped scallops!!

I thought our seats were pretty good, and I enjoyed the Raiderettes halftime Jingle Bell show!!

They light a flame in honor of owner Al Davis:

An action shot of the game:

It really was a pretty good game and they were ahead for a while, then in the last minute, which happens a lot, they lost. Oh well, I had a great time. It was a sunny day. However, the Bay area has fog quite often and it was there that day and made it somewhat cold.

Of course, when you leave (everyone at the same time), the Bart overpass is quite crowded, however I thought we would have to wait much longer than we did, so I was impressed.

A long and tiring day but it was great fun!!!!


  1. I enjoyed your post! You were the only Gold Country Girl to get into football.Gues we needed brothers. Love T

  2. What a sweet & special trip this must have been for both of you, that your son was at this game with his mom - & might not have been. Congratulations to you Lori for being a survivor, and may there be many, many, many more!

  3. i am not into sports but whenever i go and see it live - in person - i have enjoyed it so much. looks like a great time was had by all.

  4. How very wonderful that you are cancer free!! So glad you got to see the Raiders with your son. sounds like a super time was had by all.
