Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Too Much Time On My Hands

Way too much...Almost four weeks ago I had total hip replacement surgery on my right hip.

I can only put 3o lbs. of weight on that side. I don't do a lot of walking. We have a two story home so the living room has become my bedroom until I can do the stairs.

The kittles have grown used to me snuggled in my barkcloth patchwork covered bed in front of the TV. Luna likes to lay directly on top of me.

Ishi still likes his perch on the loveseat, but he too joins us on the bed.

It is a small bed, a trundle from under the guest room bed. So Chessie and Ishi have to put away their differences and get along to fit in.

They will do anything to be able to be close to Mom.

Chessie's favorite place is up close to the pillows that prop me against the wall for optimum TV viewing and book reading.

Ishi will plop himself down wherever he feels like it.
So if you have some time to spare, come cool your heels with us. We will be hanging around here for about another month.

Ishi will scootch over a bit and make room for you, honest!


  1. Wow, I guess I should stop whining about being stuck in the house these past weeks. Then again I do not have kitties to keep me company anymore. Lucky you!

  2. I would like to come and spend time with you. I wish I could get my darned work schedule in a more timely manner, so I could make plans - IF I had enough days off in a row to do it, which rarely happens! AArrrgghhhh!

  3. hopefully once your recovery time is over everything will be so much better than before. ishi sure has grown up to be a big cat. take care!

  4. You're going to be a brand new woman with that new bionic hip Tina! I know it's a long recovery but it looks like you have great, comforting company. Hope to see you soon!


  5. You may have to leave that bed there in the livingroom after you recover... just for the cats. They look mighty comfortable.
    You will feel like a new woman when this is all over with. A friend of mine just had a second hip replaced and she says it's a miracle operation.
    Enjoy the rest and your cats company. You'll be walking around without pain very soon.
    Love that comforter and those barkcloth drapes. Love the photos of the cats.

  6. I hope you get up and around soon but at least you got some company there ;0)

    My hubby has a hip replacement in his future, we are a bit scared of the long recovery.

  7. Yuck! Hope the hippage is better soon! Your cats sound like my lab. He is OBSESSED. He will follow you any and everywhere and hogs the whole bed. I wake up numerous times in the night, turn the light on, and lift the blankets so he sliiiiides to the side of the bed, instead of being directly in the middle. Ugh. Once, he followed my mom up the attic steps! Anyhoo, get better soon!

  8. Hope you are feeling better soon! Love your blog, I found you on Sunday evening and stayed up all night reading looking at all the neat pictures from 2007 until now. I also love cats and Christmas! I love seeing all your "finds" from thrifting. I found 75% off on Christmas items at Goodwill here in Manassas, VA yesterday. I bought lots of nice mugs...I also love mugs! I would welcome your response! Diane:)

  9. Hi Jennifer D. Your hubby's recovery could be way different than mine, it depends on the reasons for the replacement and the shape your bones and the rest of your body are in. It is so worth doing because I was in pain all the time before and I could not walk. I say he should go for it as soon as he can! Welcome to our blog Diane, thanks for going back and reading all our older posts. I like to do that sometimes too myself. Love T
