Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Tournament Of Roses Parade, Circa 1954

I was searching for something else in my vintage magazines when I came across this article in National Geographic Magazine about The Tournament Of Roses Parade. What a perfect post for New Year's Day!
The theme that year was Famous Books In Flowers, and the photos were taken by B. Anthony Stewart and J. Baylor Roberts, who also penned the accompanying article. As you can see, "Alice In Wonderland" and "Bambi" were two of the books featured. Bambi won The Mayor's Trophy:
Another beautiful float, below, featuring Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The article states that the cost of the floats ranged between $3000 and $20,000. Gee, I wonder how much they cost these days?
Do you see which company sponsored that one? My favorite candy company - See's! Now, you know me - if I can fit See's into a post anywhere at all, I am likely to do so - but this time it was purely by accident!
Clydesdales pulled this one with a trolley commemorating the 50th anniversary of the World's Fair in St. Louis:

And the one and only Roy Rogers:

Last year, I found myself terribly disappointed in the Rose Parade coverage on one of the networks. It wasn't parade coverage, it was a prolonged and glorified commercial for that network's TV shows , so blatant it was ridiculous, and with precious little actual descriptive commentary about the entries. In fact, Paula Deen was the Grand Marshall, and I never saw her at all. I think I must have blinked and missed her. This year, I can't even find it in the TV listings!
Another tradition gone.
Happy New Year, everyone, and here's wishing you many of life's blessings in 2012!!
( Edited 7:15 am New Year's Day to add: I had no idea that it was tomorrow instead! How dumb am I? Thank you, Paul - I guess I do remember this whole Sunday circumstance thing from past years, now that you mention it, but I had completely forgotten! Odder still, I had never heard it mentioned in the news media before turning on the TV this morning. Where have I been? Busy, I guess. Geez. I guess I may be able to watch some of it tomorrow before I go to work. Thank you! )


  1. Did you look in the Monday listings? Everything gets moved when New Year's is on a Sunday.

    Also...the 1954 Rose Parade was the first program broadcast nationally in color (to the handful of sets in existence).

  2. What an incredibly fun post. Thank you ever so much for sharing. Happy New Year!

    Wow, the first color program. We are so spoiled.

  3. You inspired me to see if I could watch it this year on the computer, and actually get better coverage of the actual parade. I did not know about the "Never on a Sunday" rule. Wow!

  4. I didn't know it was tomorrow either, I thought I had missed it. Glad I didn't! I love the little cottage in the See's candy float, it looks like our little ceramic houses. Very interesting post, great job. Love T

  5. i did not know about the sunday new years rule either. i love this post and that see's sponsered a float.

  6. I was totally confused too about the whole "Sunday" thing. You'd think as old as I am I'd know about this stuff but I didn't & still don't get the reason. Banks closed, post office closed, kids out of school...*sheesh*

    I completely missed the parade & heard from a friend that whatever station she watched it on had horrible coverage & WORST of all, cut it off BEFORE the Roy Rogers 100th birthday float was shown. I think I'm glad I missed that.

  7. Note for next year:

    Watch the parade on HGTV. It's a solid 2 hours focused entirely on the parade, with NO commercials.

    Enjoyed the post. Take Care!
