Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Weigh" To Go, Girls!

All three of us, the Gold Country Girls, are currently Weight Watcher members.
We're doing our very best to make our bodies and lives healthier, one tenth of a pound at a time.
Way to go - keep up the good work, my sisters!


  1. Yes, I am really trying, it helps to have everyone's support!!!! Even my Daughter recently joined the program at her place of work. Just hard to cut back on one's favorites!!! But WW is such an easy program!!!I need to add the exercise now.....

  2. Ugh. The exercise part is the - well, I was going to say the hardest, but giving up those favorites is equally as hard. My hat's off to all three of you. I've SO got to do the same.

    Go Team Gold Country Sisters!

  3. i have lost 40 lbs but need to exercise - would like to lose another 40 but thats not gonna happen at my age - but another 20 would be wonderful. i have heard great things about weight watchers but have never done it.

  4. Weight loss is one of the hardest things to accomplish. Celebrate every tenth of a pound, and consider even maintaining a success! Changing our behaviors is soooo hard. Keep it up!! Or down!

  5. My hardest thing is working at the frozen yogurt shop!!! I am 'rewarded' every day I work with a 12oz. yogurt. Now, of course, I don't HAVE to eat it, LOL, but I am addicted!! So now I portion it out, take it home, and use it for my evening treat!! I can do this!!!!

  6. WW rocks! Keep up the good work,

  7. Of course that cover photo has a very different message all these years later--that females must learn at an early age the importance of watching their weight...not for health reasons, but to remain attractive/attract a man.

  8. Good for y'all! I've heard a lot of people say they've had great success with Weight Watchers ... because it's just what it says it is. You aren't "dieting" you are literally watching what you eat, so there is no deprivation. Good luck to you all! =)

  9. good luck! weight watchers is so graet.i lost 22 pounds in about 6 monthes. then i thought i could do it without going to the meetings and stopped losing. i should get back to it.
