Monday, March 19, 2012

The Ring and The Proposal

Sister Lori here: I have a fun and exciting story to tell....
My son called one day and asked to meet him at the jewelry store.
He finally decided it was time to pop the question to his long time girlfriend!!

So I got to view the ring she had chosen, it wasn't a secret that they would tie the knot one day....

I had it in my possession for a day, so tried it on, it will look better on her pretty hand!

Now for the fun part:
He had this whole thing planned out. They love the coast, especially the Mendocino/Fort Bragg area. Go figure - we Gold Country Girls grew up visiting over there, and then I raised my kids visiting there also....
Anyway, when they visited a year ago, and stayed at Little River Inn, they found out about a blow hole near the coast and had explored it, so he planned to propose there.
Two good friends of theirs drove the 9 hour round trip to set up and take photos.
They climbed down the hole and arranged rose petals in a heart shape:

This is looking out to the ocean through a cave down in the blow hole:

Here is a shot looking down from up above, before you climb down in...
She didn't really want to climb down that day, it was a bit misty and damp and you do get a little dirty in the process. Anyhow, somehow he talked her into it:

Their friends were hiding up above to snap the photos of the big event:

Afterward, they revealed themselves - so glad there are photos of it!!!!

The climb back up to the top:

The happily "engaged" couple!

We are all sooooo happy for them!!!!!!


  1. Congrats to my wonderful nephew and soon-to-be niece. It is a great story and very romantic. Love T

  2. Congrats to everyone involved! Many happy wishes.

  3. Ahhhh, congratulations Lori! What a wonderful and sweet story & so glad you shared it with us. Isn't young love just the very sweetest & so exciting. You must keep us posted on all the exciting upcoming events. Sending all my best to all of you!

  4. Congratulations, weddings are the best and this is the sweetest proposal story ever! I LOVE that area of our gorgeous coastline. What a great couple.

  5. I absolutely love the story - and I love the happy couple, too!

  6. thanks for sharing this wonderful event. the ring is beautiful.

  7. congratulations! what a sweet proposal! and how special to have pictures of it.
