Sunday, March 11, 2012

What's Penny Wearing? #64 Something Else For Work

Today, it's Penny again - modeling yet another outfit that I wear to work:
This time it's a dress and a pinafore that I had made especially for me:
And an old-fashioned brooch that I made by taking apart an old choker that belonged to my mother-in-law:

(I warned you that you might get tired of seeing my work outfits!)


  1. Do you have to pin the pinafore up all the time? I get irritated with that kind. We wore valentine's aprons like that for kitchen duty at the club last year and we were all looking for safety pins. Looks really nice and I love the calico of the dress and your brooch. Love T

  2. Penny has certainly taken a BIGGG step back in time these days. What a seamstress you are! And how fun to dress up each day in such an era. I think it would make the mind even more into the "part" & make it so much more fun for you as well as your guests. Is there a bar? I want a job being a saloon girl in those sexy corset dresses, fishnet hose and feathery hair accessories. And a big beauty mark on the cheek just like Miss Kitty!

    I could get so lost in history! I'm such a romantic.


  3. Tired of seeing your work outfits, are you kidding? What would be really great would be being able to see you at work, THAT would be great.

  4. So pretty. It looks like something Ma Ingalls would wear.

    I bought some fabulous calico at the little fabric store there in Columbia. I am so sorry I didn't buy more.Is the store still there?

  5. Thank you everyone!
    Vickie - I am not a seamstress at ALL. I had to pay someone to make my things, and it is costing me a pretty penny! There is indeed a saloon, but no saloon girls. (Belly up to the bar, boys!)
    Tina - I do have to pin it. Apparently that was the style in the 1850's, and it is rather annoying, since you asked!
    Jennifer - there IS still a shop, I believe it's the Fancy Dry Goods Store. ( I got my fabrics on sale at JoAnn's when I still got a discount, thank goodness - but it still cost quite a bit.)

  6. I bet you look darling in that dress! It does remind me of Little House On The Prairie... and Holly Hobbie! Cute!

  7. How fun to get to dress up for work like that everyday! Do you have to wear your hair a certain way?

  8. lucky you know someone who will make it for you.
