Thursday, December 12, 2013

Apple Cheese Dessert

The 4-H book you see below is from 1968. "Helping Entertain Family And Friends".
 I discovered a recipe in it that I have had for years, and I had no idea that it originally came from this book.
There are notes inside the book that I know were made by one of my cooking project 4-H Leaders back in the 1960's, Mary Jane Battaglia. I recognized her handwriting immediately.
The book is dated 1968. I remember making this dessert in the early 1970's , also, and I always have recalled that Daddy really liked it.

I had hand-written this recipe on a recipe card , probably more than forty years ago. Like I said - I didn't remember where the recipe came from, originally.
 It's been in my little oak recipe box ever since. Here it is as printed in the book:
I decided to make it last Friday night:
A nice, warm, comfort-food sort of dessert on a very cold evening.
In fact, later that same night we got four inches of snow here in our town!
Daddy would have liked it.
(The dessert - not the snow - although he might have liked that, too.)
Oh, except for the amount of work that is often needed after a snowfall!
 Shoveling was not necessary here, but we do have a LOT of fallen tree branches. Large ones. Luckily, none of them landed on our house, but one DID land on our power line right outside the back door. We were amazed at how quickly the PG&E  (Pacific Gas & Electric Company) guys came and took care of it after my husband called them! They must have had a very busy day!

1 comment:

  1. It looks delicious. I haven't had it in years, but I know it was good. I am so glad you got your power line restored quickly and none of the trees hit your house! Love T
