Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pink Camellias After The Rain, And Remembrance

 Yesterday, I came home from an appointment and I glanced at one of our camellia bushes near the garage.
 Where there had been about three blooms just a few days ago, there were now many, many more.
 I wanted to take some pictures of them, so I went and got my phone:
A couple of minutes later,  I picked up my phone again to check the weather. It was raining, and I was wondering whether it was expected to rain for the rest of the week, because I had heard someone say that it was. We have had so little rain here in California this season that the shortage of water is a huge problem right now. Even though I have some things I need to get done this week that will be difficult in the rain, I am hoping we get a LOT.
 I'd be crazy NOT to hope for that, at this point.
We need rain, and  we need lots of snow in the high country.
 I glanced at the date on the phone, too (remember - this was yesterday), and I thought to myself "February 26th...? February 26th...
....oh, yes;  I remember the significance of that date.
Of course, I do.
It was seventeen years ago on this date that Mother passed away."
 She had breast cancer.
And the appointment I had gone to yesterday morning?
 My annual mammogram.
 I had not even realized it when I made the appointment.
And it occurred to me that it was rather appropriate that I should have gone and had that done on the anniversary of such a somber occasion.
Thus, my inspiration for today's post of pink camellias and the rain.
Remember to enjoy and appreciate the flowers, and the rainy days.
Because you may not always have them, you know?
 After all, nothing lasts forever.


  1. Glad you went!!!! Miss you Mother!!!!!

  2. Lovely post. Beautiful camellias, wonderful rain. We needed the rain so badly.
    Bring one of those beautiful camellias inside in memory of your mom. She will know.

  3. I enjoyed the photos of your camellias. We had so many in Diamond Springs, along the north side of our house, and one of the best was from Mother, her house in Sacramento. It was unhappy there, and we moved it to our house and it became a large bush. So yes, camellias are a great remembrance for her! Love T
